After the camera broke a second time, i thought I'd try to tackle the problem myself.
My initial plan was to rebuild part of the harness with new cable and crimps, however I found it impossible to find the correct crimps - onto plan B, soldering!
I've never soldered in my life before, but thought I'd give it a go. I order a soldering station, heat shrink, and some more cable.
Everything turned up this morning so i gave it a shot!

Not the best join in the world, but its good enough

After soldering in an extra piece of cable for the 3 wires, i plugged it all back into the car only to find something was wrong!

I turns out I'd actually got two wires in the incorrect place.
The heat shrink was actually too long, and wouldn't allow the correct amount of bend in the cables when re-fitting the camera into the badge, so i had to strip it all down once again.

Eventually i got to a point where the connectors were firmly in place, the heat shrink allowed for proper movement, and the thing actually worked again!

Only been put the car in reverse a few times since putting it all back together, so im unsure on how long this fix will last, I'm hoping its permanent, but only time will tell.
I've also realised i should probably invest in a set of winter wheels, I've done a lot of unintentional skidding and wheel spinning in this snow!
Can't wait for it all to pass so i can give the car a good clean - she's looking very sorry for herself at the moment!