I have had a magnetic number plate for a year or so now. As a couple of you know i have left it on the ground where i have been taking pics and drove off without it.

Also the last time, when i was taking these couple of photos, i drove over the plate trying to find a better angle for the light.

So my plate needed replacing after the weight of the car had been on it + i have had a few PM's asking how i did this.

So here it is.

Tools and materials needed.
Alu numberplate from Dubmeister.
Alu inserts found in Hobby shop.
adhesive backed foam sheet.
adhesive backed felt.
10 magnets.
and the appropriate glue.

The magnets i have used are too strong really. I used the correct glue but because of there power, they had pulled off the plate a couple of times. Also after a time a mark had started to appear on the front of the plate, the plates are alu and very thin, not much thicker than a can.

. So this Mk 2 version needed beefing up.
I Started off by backing the plate with these alu strips i found, hopefully this should give the plate a bit more solidity and stop the dark marks coming through the front.

Once the alu was on, i then backed it with some thin foam. I used this last time and it is pretty good at resisting the weather.

Once this was on it was time for the 5 magnets that go on the back of the plate.

Next is the added extra, i found some adhesive backed felt and put this over the magnets, hopefully this should cure the magnets pulling off the plate, and also help protect the mask as well.

That is the main bit done really, the only thing left is to stick the other 5 magnets onto the back of the mask.
the best way i found to do this and align the plate properly, was to hold the plate where i want it to sit then just let the magnets pull out of my hand onto the back of the mask. they will automatically sit in the correct place, then just get it perfectly aligned from the front.
Then all i needed to do was to take the magnets off the back one by one glue and return them.

Finally put some weather proof tape over them.

Using magnets sticking to magnets means that it lines up perfectly every time as soon as you let go.

And that is it done.