Great posting, Fuscobal !! Like things like that.
I didn't recalculate that of course, but I'm sure you're on the right way.
These points are the ones I'd have told you if didn't wrote it by yourself:
4) I didn't also account for the chassis body roll and different tire loads.
5) I didn't take into account the effect of the greater corner exit speed on straights
wich would bring time improvement on straights also (maybe another 1sec even !!!)
The body roll and suspension + tyre flex will cost you a second, the in-
creased corner exit speeds will give you the same the same second back.
I forgot to answer your question about the effect of a lowered car. Unless
don't have numbers I guess lift will be reduced by between 10 - 20 % or
somewhere about 50 N. So lift on front is almost zero and rear ~ 30 kg
@ 200 km/h.
Fuscobal, there is something irritating me:
Aerodynamic engineers talk about ''lift'' (positive numbers). If there's downforce
theses number are negative, cos it's just negative lift. It's because aerodynamics
mainly is to built planes, not cars.
I know racing engineers talk about downforce, so little confusing.