I have been looking around to see if its possible to get the climatic information on the RNS510, and from what ive read it isnt possible to do this as the newer climatronic needs to use the BAP protocol to communicate the info via the CAN gateway, which will royally mess up the communication between the RNS and the highline and MFSW. Firstly is this correct?
My second question is then, having looked at this image of a German MK5 golf (based on tunnel dash and wing mirror shape) which clearly shows the new cluster (white display BAP compatible) and the new climatic (BAP compatible) can you change both over along with the S revision CAN gateway (MK6 golf i belive) and then get all this functionality?
I then suppose the only question is would I want to go to all this hassle?
I do need to replace my clusters to get high-line, and my CAN gateway anyway to upgrade firmware on the RNS, so is the extra of MK6 climatronic worthwhile?
What do all you clever people think?????

I now realise thats the interior from a 2010 Jetta not golf, but the interior panels are the same as the MK5 so I would assume all the fitments would be the same.