Here is a quick guide of adding folding / reverse tilting mirrors its not to hard to do but expensive. Most R32's that didn't have lux pack 1 or 2 or OEM rear
parking sensors do not have fitted folding mirrors or the function of it tilting toward the kerb when reverse is selected as a bonus upgrading will also give you
puddle lights, the mirrors i ordered were
1K2 857 507 BA 9B9 £146 1K2 857 508 AE 9B9 £146
this gives you electric adjustment,heated,folding,puddle lights and memory function for the passenger one for the titling. Now the annoyoing and EXPENSIVE
bit if your car just has electric operated and heated mirrors the door controllers will not be compatable with your shiny new mirrors these will also need
updating which has now doubled the price of what you've just paid for the mirrors.
door controllers i bought were the top one for passenger side and second to top one for drivers side (no anti dazzle drivers side mirror as glass costs £260)
1K0 959 701 AG Z0Y £188 1K0 959 702 AG Z32 £178 i did get a bit of a discount on these so may be a tad more expensive.
last you will need a new mirror switch for your door panel 1K0 959 565 J REH
now for the fitting remove the door panels

– Switch off ignition.
– Using a removal wedge -3409-, lever upper part of door handle recess -1- upwards out of mountings in door.
– Depending on vehicle equipment, disconnect wiring harnesses from upper part of door handle recess.
– Remove the two bolts -2- in area of grip moulding (4 Nm).
– Remove bolt -3- and the three bolts -4- (2 Nm).
– Using removal pliers -3392-, release bottom section of door trim from mountings.
– Using removal pliers -3392-, release sides of door trim from mountings.
– Pull door trim upwards vertically out of window slot.
– If vehicle is equipped with a radio system, disconnect wiring harness from loudspeaker.
– Disconnect wiring harness of door trim from door control unit.
– Detach Bowden cable -5- from interior door handle mechanism -6-.
– Remove bolt -7- (2 Nm) and lever triangular mirror cover -8- out of fasteners using removal wedge -3409-.
– If vehicle is equipped with a radio system, disconnect loudspeaker wiring harness from cover.

– Switch off ignition.
– Using a removal wedge -3409-, lever upper part of handle recess -1- out of door handle in door trim.
– Remove bolts -2- and -3- (4 Nm).
– Remove bolt -4- and the three bolts -5- (2 Nm).
– Using removal pliers -3392-, release bottom section of door trim from mountings.
– Using removal pliers -3392-, release sides of door trim from mountings.
– Pull door trim upwards vertically out of window slot.
– If vehicle is equipped with a radio system, disconnect wiring harness from loudspeaker.
– Disconnect wiring harness of door trim from door control unit.
– Detach Bowden cable -6- from interior door handle mechanism -7-.
– Remove bolt -8- (2 Nm) and lever triangular mirror cover -9- out of fasteners using wedge -3409-.
– If vehicle is equipped with a radio system, disconnect loudspeaker wiring harness from cover.
now remove the mirrors, when removing the mirror screws put a piece of bluetak on the end of your torx driver to stop it falling inside the door.

when the mirrors are off you will need to remove the glass and the colour coded cover ready to fit back on when there on the car not before.
refit the new mirrors, now we need to change the door controllers

once this is done the coding needs to be donewith VAG-COM to allow all the functions to work, this is also a handy time when the door panels are off to
install new speakers/door exit entry warning lights/door handle illumination.
===add screen shots of VAG-COM===
test everything works before putting the panels back on.
job done.