I fitted the THS side mounts today and thought I'd post my intial thoughts, there was no need for pics or a guide as the big fella has already done it

My first observation is the amount of play in the std mounts, I couldn't believe how baggy the gearbox side mount was on my car, really loose and when you waggle it there is a definate knock/clunk so I'm hoping this is the slight knock I've been looking all over the suspension and steering for the last few months. This could just be an issue with my car of course.
I've driven the car about 10 miles so far, and as like Robin has already pointed out with uprated mounts, there is a definite increase in the grrr noise in the cabin as he puts it, although I'm lead to believe this will reduce as the mounts bed in a little. But I can hear more of everything, the intake, turbo and the dump sound. The car also feels more responsive and the gearchange feels more positive.
I'm hoping the extra noise does reduce as the mounts bed in as its a bit much for me at the minute