Righty people. By the end of this post people are either going to think “go on my son!” or “WTF is this guy on” and I’ll get booed of stage!
But sod it. I for one am fed up with VW just bullying there way out of warranty work and offering crap service to people who live for there cars, care for them and lavish countless thousands keeping them perfect.
My Gripe.
Rust seems to be quite a common issue on the MK5 as I’m sure many people will be aware due to the various threads that have been posted.
I’ve had a flick through some of the various threads using the search function and it also seems pretty common that although VW offer a 12 year body they more often than not wriggle out of honouring this warranty.
Having read some of the threads it also seems that quite a few people have suggested that we all get our heads together and fight VW to get what we deserve – a free, quality repair of the area that has rusted due to a manufacturing defect.
How we go about this I’m not entirely sure but I’m sure, with the backing of other members and forums we can think of something substantial to get under the skin of VW.
Surely if we can compile a document with peoples issues regarding rust and VW’s lack of responsibility are argument will carry more punch. Surely if we contact the car magazines and the papers somebody will take an interest and surely if loads of disgruntled VW owners turn up on there door they will have to listen to our issues and do something about it. Bad press means bad business and that’s about the only place we can hit them I think.
There’s no point in going any further if everyone thinks I’m talking out my a*se so the first port of call is to find out who’d be interested in pulling something like this together. I’ve done a poll at the top to gauge whether there’s genuine interest and to get an idea about the actual number of people affected.
I’m also going to run this on some other forums too (links below). If anyone knows of any other UK based VW forums let me know and I'll do it on there too.
Thanks for reading.
....and its also worth checking around the rear badge as I've found some paint bubbling there too