Anyone read this months redline Mag yet??
there's a 308Hp Seat leon (k03), yes thats right, K03.
i quote "An evo needs needs 350hp to stop the leon coming past" "my friends has 360Hp and he couldnt get NEAR me on a dual carriageway" "on a straight road its a nose ahead of an RS4"
and my favourite one
"picking a leon proves you have more character than choosing a boring golf"
legend. its the home made heath robinson style intake pic that makes it the best, complete with REVO, FORGE GOODridge and VPOWER stickers

just make sure you dont race this guy unless your in a k04 stage 2+, especially if your in that uncharacteristic boring golf that you ll use on here

something tells me those figures werent from JKMs rollers lol