Had the springs done and they seem great, drop the car 30mm and haven't really affected the driving experience, it maybe a bit harder but not significantly so no problems there. I'll get some before and after pics up soon.
I've also been working on getting everything ready for the 19"s. All 4 hubs had horrible surface rust and the caliper clips on the front looked proper minging, didn't want this showing through my new wheels.

So these have been cleaned up and painted back to silver.......... whilst I was at it I did the little arch liner screw mod to make sure my new tyres don't rub at all.
Unfortunately the wheel bolts don't fit the new wheels so needed to order up new ones before I can get the wheels on. Hopefully will turn up today.
In other news........
Got the cruise fitted with a very helpful member from here and love it, it's a must have option for me so pleased that is done.

Lot's more to come