So here goes...
This is my new car, iv only had it a week! Its a 58 plate GT Sport with 16k miles on the clock. I used to be driving a SportKa (

) but i wanted something a little better on fuel. Looked at a focus but didnt really like them and then i saw these!
I got it on Monday from VW Bolton. First job was a good old clean as the valet was pretty rubbish. What it looked like when i got it home...

In the pictures it looks pretty good but the bodywork had a really powdery substance all over it.
After a wash...

So the first mods began today!
Tinted indicators...

We put another layer on after this and made them too dark so I think Il change them soon for lighter ones!
Open GTI grills and we painted the inside of the bumper black as the silver bits really stuck out

(looks blue for some reason!)
Also fitted a GTI lower grill:

All back together:

Also painted my wing mirrors black (may not be everyones taste)

And thats it so far! Next plans are to tint the rear lights, GTI upper grill and fit some wind deflectors!
I will update the thread when i can but it will probably be quite slow going

PS Who ever first notices whats wrong with the front end gets a cookie!