Schoolboy error, in that I didn't take 'before' pics, but trust me the exhaust was filthy and black, I'm sure anybody that came down to JKM for the RR could confirm this.
Anyway, after reading numerous articles about what to use/not to use, I went onto the Milltek website on cleaning advise.
A lot of guys on here swear by Autosol, and I'm sure it's good. The Milltek site told me to use simple Silvo from Tesco (with wadding).......£2.29 who can complain at that price?

Started with some rubber gloves, hot water and a non-scratch foam scourer to remove what I could of the black SH!T

After letting it dry for a bit I got out the silvo wadding and starting polishing, and in between polishing I continued using the non-scratch foam scourer to assist in getting the stubborn muck off.
A word of advise....!!!!! Make sure you cut the wadding in half before starting the polishing. I didn't and thought I was going to go to hospital when the back end of the wadding (due to my vigorous polishing) shot up and sprayed Silvo in my eye.......what F**Kin pain that was!!!

Anyway, after washing my eye out numerous times I continued with the job at hand.
After leaving the milky silvo residue to dry, and being sure that all the muck was off, I polished the tips up with a simple blue economy cloth.

Pics below - excuse the rest of my filthy car, the exhaust is now the cleanest part