Couple of minor things done so far-
- changed my dv to revision d. (should be 30min job, took me a couple of hours

. Have to be worlds best gymnast to get to the thing)
- gti seat inserts courtesy of Mandy.
Coming up-
- boot pop mod, got parts on order.
- Osir front splitter.
- colour code side skirts and rear bumper valance.
Dropped my car off this morning to my mates garage, spent basically the whole day sanding down the side skirts and rear bumper ready to be primed- If the finish looks crap it'll be my fault

, hopefully have the car back Saturday afternoon. Then, hopefully fit my parts for the boot pop mod and kindly ask VRStu to code it in for me.
Still debating whether to have the Osir front lip fitted, bought that before the car lol, insurance says no though so will prob have to wait until next year. just so tempting.