Another little update from me with a few things I've been on with lately. First is the the Highline cluster which was fittted and coded by Kalu off here. Many thanks for that

Then at the end of last week I fitted my Darkside EGR delete in preparation for the remap.

On monday I booked the day off as I was paying a visit to Shark Performance
(No longer running the Shark map. See page 15). I arrived just after 9am and was greeted by Rob who asked me what I wanted from the map etc and just to confirm what I had booked when I left a deposit at the Autosport show. Before anything happened it was put on the rollers to get my standard bhp. This came out at 181.8bhp/395Nm.

It then went into the workshop where Mark started with the DPF removal. He also removed the EGR pipe that fed round to the EGR valve to clean up the engine bay. While this was going on me and my mate was getting hungry so decided it was bacon and sausage cob time

An ITG panel filter was also fitted at the same time.

It was a long day with a fair bit of waiting around but once everything was back together it was time to load the map in and see what the rollers said. The outcome was 216.6bhp/464Nm

Dyno print out.

I am pleased with the results. Pulls like a train. There is abit of smoke which i expected but doesn't really bother me. 1st and 2nd are over in the blink of an eye, 3rd is awesome especially when you catch it right. Had abit of fun coming off an island on the A38. Planted the right foot and it just went berserk lol. 4th, 5th and 6th are plenty similar but all pull very well all the way through. Even though its abit of an animal I can still just cruise about no problem.
Only issue I had was the engine management light didn't go out once the map was loaded. The map was supposed to ignore the EGR. Had to pop back on the Tuesday when Mikko was back. I arrived on Tuesday afternoon and spoke to Rob and it turns out there was a little communication error between him and Mikko. He thought I was leaving the EGR valve in, but just didn't want it to work. Not that I had removed it completely. A little tweak on the map and its all sorted now.
Overall very happy with the results and service I got. Seemed eager to help and would use them again.