I had upgraded from midline to highline a few years ago.
I had 1K0 920 960 Midline and went to 1K0 920 970LX highline and this worked well till I went down the MFSW route
The 1K0 920 970LX didn't support the menu button, I lived with it and finally upgraded to a mk6 wheel which was great as I was able to change tracks with the buttons on the left. But after upgrading from MFD2 to RNS510 that function was lost and I was back to having to switch the radio off to get out of the Audio menu.
Well after finding a Golf match that was being broken I bought the 1K0 920 974B Clocks
I then posted the clocks to Kalu, and sent my immo file via email.
Once I received them back all I had to do was correct the mileage with Vag-com.
And to my surprise the Right hand button on the right side of the mk6 wheel now acts like the Menu button on the mk5 mfsw.
Also have the compass arrow too