ive had my edition 30 a while now and more and more stuff is changing so thought id throw up some pics before i lose track of whats been done!
the cars got quite a few added extras that most will be able to see.
this is the car after i gave it a quick clean not long after getting it home and giving it a wash

from the start the plan was to go stage 2 so over time i started to collect parts when they came up for sale. i was looking at getting a BCS tbe but then a VWracing exhaust came up for sale and i snapped it up and heat wrapped the downpipe while it was off.

while i was searching for parts a neuspeed p-flow came up for sale so i got that aswell. now i know i didnt need this to go stage 2 but wanted abit more noise and good gains can be had on stage 2 with an inlet so i thought why not! fitted pic below (with neuspeed heatsheild)

i then fitted the tbe and while i was there fitted both lower powerflex engine mounts and forge (front & back) quickshift

that was a busy day and all mods started to make the car very nice to drive! the exhaust isnt too boomy but barks when you plant the loud pedal which is great!
after all that i fitted a neuspeed boost gauge in the drivers air vent just to keep an eye on the boost psi till it was mapped!