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Author Topic: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....  (Read 44945 times)

Offline RedRobin

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SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« on: September 13, 2012, 10:06:49 am »


Aftermarket replacement suspension component bushes made of tough polyurethane instead of the OEM rubber and with specifically engineered steel crush tubes where appropriate. But because this is one of those mods which you cannot see and which takes time and hence costs you more to fit, are poly bushes something you need?

SuperPro Bush features:

^ Product quality is beyond question - They inspire confidence in their durability and retention.


The OEM suspension bushes are made from a hard rubber substance which over time will deteriorate and will almost certainly need replacing one day on a high mileage car. Also, the OEM bushes are less resilient, increase their hardness (durometer) when compressed, losing elasticity, and so lower their ability to perform well with other aftermarket suspension mods. This doesn't mean that OEM bushes are rubbish but that they are designed for the unmodified car and to be production cost efficient in the car's lowest common denominator marketplace.

SuperPro polyurethane is manufactured using cold pour/thermo setting processes and will return to and retain its original shape. It is also resistant to oil, petrol, salt, and other airborne contaminants which a car is subjected to. Rubber isn't.

On a tuned performance car with modified suspension, rubber is not man enough for the job in the longer term. I know quite a few folks who have swopped out their rubber bushes for polyurethanes just to achieve a more improved and integrated suspension for better roadholding and without waiting for any signs of the OEM rubber deteriorating.


The illustration below shows all the suspension bushes on a Mk5 Golf. You can doubtless appreciate that changing all the bushes is labour intensive and especially when some of the high mileage OEM bushes become difficult to remove, as is very often the case. Pass me the lump hammer!

Therefore it is the same in labour costs to replace them with polyurethane bushes and gain their advantages and longer life, as it is to replace them with OEM rubber bushes.

^ Full SuperPro kit for Leon Cupra [Tsfi_Mike]

Okay, so that's enough about polyurethane and rubber products but what do SuperPro polybushes contribute to the enjoyment of driving?


Even with handling mods such as KW V3 coilovers, WALK, Quaife diff, UNIbraces XB and UB, Eibach ARB's, VWR engine mounts and front poly bushes already done, to my surprise I instantly felt a further improvement in the handling of the car. Fitting polyurethane bushes tightens up every connection in your chassis, thereby removing what are small amounts of play but which add up collectively to something bigger. I performed several heavy emergency braking tests and the whole car felt rigidly planted with hardly any nose diving and the car keeping absolutely straight - My car has AP Racing front brakes and S3 rears resulting in very evenly balanced braking. Fitting SuperPro poly bushes may not be a mod which you can see but it is a mod which you can feel.

When driving hard and fast on twisty roads the car feels extremely well planted. It felt well planted before this mod but the poly bushes take it a step further. Taut, tactile, and now tight. I can't wait for my next drive.


Similar poly bushes are offered by PolyBush and by Powerflex and I have their Front Wishbone Bushes (number 1 on the illustration).

^ The purple bush is by Powerflex and fitted by VWR to balance my WALK. The WALK consoles have yellow polyurethane bushes.

^ Powerflex bushes (Front Wishbone).

I don't know how SuperPro compare with either the Powerflex or the PolyBush polyurethane bushes.

PolyBush Review by h4rdy:,30593.0.html


AKS Tuning:

Alex of AKS arranged a Group Buy on the forum with generous discount:,49608.0.html

As I already have aftermarket Eibach Anti Roll Bars (with their own poly bushes) and also WALK with Powerflex wishbone bushes, I only needed the SuperPro rear kit.

^ Mk5 Golf Rear Kit - Separate and specific SuperPro kits are offered for many brands of car - They are not universal.


Being very methodical and applying patience is the key in all workshop practices. I don't own the tools, workshop, or have the expertise to do mechanics etc myself so I went to JKM who I regularly use and trust implicitly. To allow enough time for any tricky OEM bush removals and to have my car properly aligned afterwards, JKM asked for one and a half days and were able to lend me a new Volkswagen Polo.

^ Typical removed OEM bushes [photo courtesy of Alex @ AKS]

^ Rear Trailing Arm - Bush number 8 on the Golf Mk5 illustration.

You can see how the OEM bush designs compare badly with the SuperPro poly bush designs.


It is very important to have alignment professionally done after installation. Mine was done on a Hunter Laser Rig.


- Polyurethane's inherent properties and ability to return to its original shape.

- Each SuperPro bush is individually designed to achieve the optimum performance for its location on the car.

- Eliminates problems where the OEM rubber bushes are prone to failure.

- Improved roadholding.

- Significantly improves the feel of the car when driving hard by tightening up the suspension.

- More responsive steering - Not something I noticed but probably because all my front poly bushes were already fitted.

- Increased tyre life is claimed - Surely not to the extent of being significant, but we'll see and every little bit helps.

- Longevity.

- 3 years or 36,000 miles warranty.


- In spite of manufacturer's claims to the contrary, I immediately noticed a tiny bit more vibration and an even greater sense of what the road surface is. But all very much in a good way as far as I am concerned. No noise increase though.

- A relatively expensive mod but costs can be spread by buying and then installing later. Alignment adds to the cost but is very necessary.

- If you plan to put your car back to standard before selling, it would involve significant labour costs as well as the cost of buying new OEM rubber bushes. Pointless returning bushes to OEM, in my opinion.


With handling mods such as KW V3 coilovers, WALK, Quaife diff, UNIbraces XB and UB, Eibach ARB's, VWR engine mounts and front poly bushes already done, I had serious doubts how much improvement I would feel and I fitted the SuperPro's principally because at over 100k miles I knew I would need to replace the OEM bushes sooner rather or later. Alex at AKS was offering a forum Group Buy with generous discount and so it became a no-brainer.

My car was an absolute joy to drive before and it's even more of a joy to drive enthusiastically now. Jim of JKM, who is known as a very talented fast driver, told me after his 20-mile test drive that my car "feels very well planted" and I have since heard that he told someone else that "it drove well". He already knows my car very well so it was good to hear his valued opinions and that I was consequently not suffering from any placebo effect - So very easy to do immediately after installing a mod. At this time of writing I have driven about 300 enthusiastic miles on fast twisty and roller coaster roads.

If your car is performance tuned with suspension mods and you plan to keep her, then I wholeheartedly recommend SuperPro poly bushes as a mod.

The phrase "VW Golf - Designed And Built By German Craftsmen, Modified By Mad Englishmen" comes to mind.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 05:56:42 pm by RedRobin »

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Re: SuperPro Poly Bushes - Review....
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2012, 10:42:21 am »
Great review as always.  :happy2:


Offline Tfsi_Mike

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Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2012, 11:33:40 am »

Great review Robin!

Mine were fitted yesterday  :jumping:

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Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2012, 12:48:30 pm »
Great review, I will have these one day along with most of your suspension mods, will probably gor for the supe-pro walk version though...

Your car must handle amazingly!

Hate to think what the bill was for 1.5days work @JKM... lol
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Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2012, 01:14:56 pm »
Thanks for the compliments, guys  :drinking:

Yes, if I didn't already have WALK and would have gone for SuperPro's ALK - SPALK? SALK?

Yep, my car handles amazingly. It's very confidence inspiring and I need to be careful in exploring exactly how amazingly! Gently does it on familiar roads.... bit by bit.

It was a very short 1.5 days @ JKM.  :happy2:

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Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2012, 05:18:09 pm »
cool, have these and think will get fitted in october at some point.
Diamond Black Pearl Edition 30, still going strong but now back to Stg 1

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Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2012, 05:58:30 pm »

cool, have these and think will get fitted in october at some point.

....Sounds like you are doing what I did: Spreading the costs by leaving time between purchase and installation  :happy2:

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Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2012, 07:46:34 pm »
Enjoyed reading this, thanks Robin for taking the time to write up your experience :notworthy:

The question is though. . Where can YOU take your handling mods any further? I think you've done all the handling mods :grin:

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Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2012, 08:05:44 pm »

I can guarantee before Robin hits 200,000 miles he will have tried another chassis upgrade  :P

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Re: Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2012, 08:29:48 pm »
How much did it cost to fit these?

Sent from my LG-P920 using Tapatalk 2

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Re: Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2012, 09:20:53 pm »
How much did it cost to fit these?

Fitting costs depends on the garage's hourly labour rate. iirc it's around 5-6 hours labour time.
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Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2012, 09:38:31 pm »
Great review Robin.  Are they your alignment results after the bushes were fitted?  Are you getting much understeer when pushing hard?

There are my fitting costs in the old group buy thread.

I feel a nice set of TT arms should be the next mod, or some Ground Control top mounts from me to get some more front camber. - - 01234 822324
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Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2012, 09:43:59 pm »

Enjoyed reading this, thanks Robin for taking the time to write up your experience :notworthy:

The question is though. . Where can YOU take your handling mods any further? I think you've done all the handling mods :grin:


....Thanks, Graeme  :drinking: - I enjoy writing reviews for the forum and reading other people's experiences.

I've never had a long term plan - My handling mods have just evolved from Eibach ARB's back in 2006 (still on the car) and KW V3 coilovers in around 2009 IIRC. I don't know if lightweight arms would make much difference now and I don't feel anything is lacking in the handling department. Ooops! I forgot to include the Quaife diff in my review text.

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Offline RedRobin

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Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2012, 09:52:07 pm »

Are they your alignment results after the bushes were fitted?  Are you getting much understeer when pushing hard?

....Yes, posted alignment results are after the bushes fitted.

No understeer so far. Are you expecting that I might do so?

I feel a nice set of TT arms should be the next mod, or some Ground Control top mounts from me to get some more front camber.

....I don't know how TT arms would benefit my existing setup. Or whether SuperPro arms would be better.

Do Ground Control top mounts fit with KW V3's? I don't want uneven tyre wear from too much camber.

Overall I am pretty satisfied with my handling setup right now - It's practical for fast road use.

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Re: SuperPro Polyurethane Bushes - Review....
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2012, 12:15:27 am »
Told you they were good, well the PolyBush ones anyway, the single most noticeable suspension mod there is.

I ever buy another car it will be the first thing I do.

Great review RR, as per........