Hi everyone, I thought we would share an exciting project with you all which we have just started today, we don't normally have the time to do this but there will be two projects in particular I think will be of interest to all you petrol heads on here, please do understand I'll do my best to upload as we go along but due to massive work demand it is hard to do this sometimes
The aim is for a fully road legal time attack / sprint car stripped with two seats fully caged, engine spec will be 520-550hp for the first season then fully built for season 2 final power target is around 650-700+hp 99.9% of the work we will do in house only paintwork will be shipped out
Just a simple little 74 hp granny chariot as you see it here

Craig taking some aggression out on the interior stripping earlier (must say looks a bit startled


Here's all the bits we don't need again

Here's the new interior look for now

Here's the little 74hp put put

And here's what's going in along with the seven speed DSG, 4WD and all associated traction + launch systems

Will keep everyone as up to date as possible on this project