Thank you mate I do try. Really like your car as well, it looks awesome, has great presence.
Ricky, thanks man. We need to catch up soon. Homegrown starting soon hopefully.
Anyway... audio build... done...
I'm seriously running out of hours in the day lately. It makes me sad.
Anyway as mentioned, cracking early start at 9:30am... straight on with the work.
Arrived and got cracking pretty quickly with the new head unit... whipped the old one out as you can see here..
The previous owner of the head unit had hard wired it into his caddy. i didn't want to butcher the audio loom for my car, Jairm made a new loom for me to plug and play, really nicely down it's so neat, you could pass it off as factory.
It won't quite squeeze in the hole!!
The sub...
We stripped half of the boot build out. We were going to re-trim it anyway, as the carpet was peeling slightly in places (my fault for putting some velcro things down which pulled it up) and it would not match with the subwoofer carpet.
Running the power wires and fuses etc.
The old part of the build
And then removed, this took ages lol!
Making an earth point.. another hole in my boot :lol:
Needed a way to secure the subwoofer in the boot.. there's an un-used hole that we was died and a nut tapped in so we could screw into and secure.
Then the annoying part, stripping the door cards off...
To fit sound deadening.. this has worked a treat, except there's one little rattle coming from the front passenger door which I need to sort out, aside from that no other rattles.
The back of the sub box that Jairm made for me, he has done this all himself and I know he's spent a LOT of time on it.. what a playa.
Darkness fell quickly but we continued working.. plenty of things left to do.. including sound deaden this side of the car as well..
Changed the LED in the drivers door (that signifies the alarm etc) to a purple one.. (it's a bit blue to be honest :lol:)
The evening drew further on.. and the temperatures plummeted, but we kept working
Got onto retrimming the rear build, we also retrimmed the small hatch opening, and I had broken one of the supports for the hatch (by leaning on it, I'm fat what do you expect) and so we re-did those with two wooden lips to support the block on...which were carpetted also.
And the finished pics..