The Red Mistress

has had a few wee changes recently so it's 'bout time for a quick update. So if your sitting comfy I shall continue!
First off and in no particular order....I went to see the forum retrofit LEG END guru wizard Ed (
Eddie-NL on here) as he was supplying and fitting a brand spanking new Mk6 Golf MFSW, the correct controller and a few other bits. Thought I might need a new Cruise Control Stalk but as it turned out the one that Ed had previously supplied was the correct one for this anyway, happy days!!
As always, nothing's a trouble for Ed and everything is done without fuss and with great care and attention to detail, all while dealing with me and my numerous stupid questions.

The wheel is a Mk6 flat bottomed one with red stitching and more importantly its a MFSW so is a nice little upgrade from my old non MFSW in my Eddy. The new steering wheel had a GLI badge on it so before visiting Ed I bought a nice shiny new Mk6 GTI badge for it from fellow forum peep James (
fab5freddy on here) who had a spare for sale, another cracking chap to deal with on the forum.
Mk6 MFSW......
Mk6 GTI badge....
I also added a Mk6 Climatronic unit to the interior. IMHO it looks a lot better than my previous climate control unit and has the benefit of displaying on the Headunit. I had to order a different blender/surround for the Mk6 unit, its a Jetta part and cost a ridicules £30 from the slealers!
Mk6 Climate Control Blender part number......
1K0 858 069 N 1QBMk6 Climatronic unit..... 
Ed also supplied and fitted an AQS (Air Quality Sensor). I didn't know much (read anything

) about these but he explained its function and its benefit. It appeared a right job to fit and wire it all up but I'm very grateful Ed did it as it seemed a "must do" mod alongside the Mk6 Climatronic unit.
Air Quality Sensor......
And displaying on the Headunit...
A guide (from the website) for the
Air Quality Sensor and its function/operation......
~~ Clicky here ~~From a previous visit to Ed, he supplied and fitted a VW Bluetooth kit. A brilliant mod is the only way to describe this and a HUGE benefit while driving, plus having the whole thing display on the Headunit makes everything so simple that even a muptard such as myself can operate it without a too much fuss or flapping.
If anyone's interested, the parts (and P/N's) that were supplied by Ed, they are/were as follows...
Bluetooth kitVW Part Number:
5K0 035 730D (Control Box)
VW Microphone
3B0 035 711BVW Foam Holder
1K0 919 737M3rd Party Loom Pnp Loom

I also bought a Black Carpet Cover (which is a Skoda part) and a couple of clips to pin the cover to the foam holder.....
Skoda Carpet Cover in Black
1ZO 971 813 62USkoda Clips
6U0 819 055Bluetooth unit in its foam holder fitted under the drivers seat.....
And with the matching Carpet Cover fitted to hide it....
Displaying on the Headunit....
Moving along.....After seeing some pics of another forum members (
GarethB on here) interior trim pieces that had been Hydro dipped (also called Water Transfer Printing) I decided to chav up my own interior dash trim pieces by having them Hydro Dipped in a Carbon Fibre effect pattern so I bought a spare, complete Top Dash assembly from an Edition30 that is being broken up and I also bought the correct blender/surround for the Mk6 Climate Control unit, sent them off and a week or so later I received them back. I'm well chuffed with the finish so have bought a load more interior pieces to send off for Hydro dipping.
As I purchased it.....
Stripped to be sent off......
All done. The first stage was to paint the base, mine was painted a very Dark Grey then after it had dried it was dipped into the Carbon Fibre film/water and then finally a deep gloss lacquer was applied.......
et viola.......
If your interested, i used
Hydro-Graffix, they're based in Maidstone and the main man is Adrian. I went for the
CF012 Carbon Fibre dip. There's a multitude of designs that can be applied to a plethora of base colours so your options are endless.
Their site.......
~~ Clicky here ~~A generic YouTube video on Hydro Dipping, interesting stuff and very clever IMO.......
[ Invalid YouTube link ]
I wanted to get shot of the bright red Hazard Switch so I bought a black Hazard Switch from Alex at AKS. Bit of a marmite mod as some like em, some think their sh*t and some say they're even dangerous but I LOVE IT!!!
There's a Group Buy on the forum for these bad boys and for those that are interested, they're only £20 so If your not keen its no big lose!!

~~ Clicky here ~~Or buy one direct from the AKSTuning site......~~ Clicky here ~~The old red one and the new black one side by side.....
All back together......
Everything fittedBefore.........

A few of the Hydro Dipping.....

Finally (for now at least) a few other little purchases
New OEM rubber mats....
OEM Cargo nets and a Millers Oil sticker (to remind me which oil I now use
GTI Seat Inserts......
OSIR Dead Pedal.....Decided on a dead pedal so plumbed for the ridiculously priced OSIR one. OSIR's website (link below) have some awesome bits and pieces in Carbon Fibre albeit NOT cheap. Any OSIR parts can be bought/ordered from the as they're the UK distributor for OSIR. You can't buy OSIR Mk5 products from their site just email or phone them.
~~ Clicky here ~~

Bought a complete interior LED lighting kit and number plate LED's. The kit was advertised/mentioned in a thread on the forum by Carlo (
Monte on here) and sold by a chap called Matt. The improvement in lighting is incredible and makes a real difference when getting in or out of the car.
The original thread (link below) on the LED Interior Lighting. All the details on where from? how much? and how to fit? Are all in the thread.....
~~ Clicky here ~~Couple of the LED lighting.....

And a MY10 Polo Aerial....
IMHO all of the above mods are great mods, from the MFSW right down to the Seat Inserts that cost less than a tenner, all well worth it and all add something different.
I'm sure there's a few other I've done a few other bits that have been done recently but I'd be buggered if I can remember them!

As always, any queries, likes or dislikes please feel free to spam away!