Afternoon All,
I collected my Ed30 on saturday and in general its running really well, still feels very tight
However. . . although it warms up quickly (definetly quicker than my K03 GTI did), and holds 90 degrees on the gauge when driving, if i take my foot off and coast down to a roundabout the water temp gauge drops a little bit - more noticable when coasting from 60mph to a standstill. When I accelerate away again it goes back up to 90 degrees quickly.
I did 200+ miles on the motorway over the weekend and whilst driving it held a solid 90 degrees still.
I've done a quick search, but most thermostat / temp sensor issues were about the car either taking a long time to warm up, or the fans coming on all the time, neither of which are similar to my issue.
For clarity, its got no fault codes, coolant is clean and full, Cambelt & water pump replaced by last owner in 2012.
Any ideas? does this sound normal for an Ed30?