Over the last few years i've added quite a few mods to my MK5 and over the winter i've been toying with the idea of fitting park assist for a bit of fun.
i have a bit of updating to do but you can see my car and mods here
http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,51412.0.htmlso after a bit of research quite a few people have tried to fit park assist to the mk5 but have never got it working the main reason for this is changing the ABS unit.
we're lucky on the mk5 that we already have the electric steering rack, it has a motor on it for the power steering which can turn the steering wheel for you.
***** if your starting off this project from scratch you will also need to fit 8 parking sensors to the car 4 rear 4 front and 2 extra front sensors at sides of bumper you can get a kit here *****
http://www.carsystems.pl/vw-golf-6-5k-park-assist-360-pla-2-0-park-pilot-front-and-rear,id739.htmlluckily for me i fitted 8 parking sensors a few good years back so i just needed to buy an upgrade kit
http://www.carsystems.pl/vw-golf-mk6-5k1-park-assist-pla-1t0919297a-upgrade,id649.htmlright the problem we now have is the wrong ABS unit is fitted to the MK5 to aid with the park assist, most of us will have an MK60 ABS unit fitted,but now we need to fit an MK60EC1, after a bit of trawling the interweb i find out that the only way you can code this new ABS unit (on the MK6 not the 5) is via VW with its online connection to its servers including your VIN which is encrypted into the new coding for the MK6 anyway, for the MK5 it won't code it as it shouldn't be fitted to our cars.
i'll come back to this later on but apparently it can now be done but i'm still uncertain and will have to do a lot of work before i can finally find out.
the other week i removed the front bumper, lots of guides already on line to do this and its quite easy once you've first done it
on the back of the bumper i checked i had room where i roughly wanted the sensors to go and on the back of the mk5 bumper it has some crossed lines in the abs plastic clearly park assist wasn't around then but i used these crossed lines as a guide to drill the holes.

i used a 28 mm step cutter to give a perfect cut through the paint, the biggest of the 3, if you try to use a bigger one and stop on 28mm you'll just bugger up the hole and go through bigger as its not easy to stop in soft plastic. I have 18mm,26mm and 28mm for various parking sensor jobs

so the sensors need to be pointing out at roughly 90 deg from the car again its not that easy as it was never fitted to the mk 5

the sensor holder needed the foam sticky pads removing as we have thicker bumpers on the MK5 compared to the MK6, I will probably use adhesive silicone sealant to stick them in as i use this quite a lot and it works very well
here is the holder

tested for size in the bumper

so now to the ABS unit, this is fitted behind the battery and airbox area right down the back. on LHD cars this is under the brake servo where as ours is on the opposite side
This is the little baby that needs changing
there are various units we can use here is a list
1K0 907 379 AT or BE or BJ or BL
AT = MY 2010
BE = MY 2011
BJ = MY 2012
BL = MY 2013

but first hurdle is the wiring as the MK6 wiring changed from the MK5, so i started on this first to re pin the plug with the correct wires in the correct pins.
you will need one of these a pin removal tool

here is a list of what you need to do (i can't guarantee this is the same for every MK5 but it is for a 2008 R32)

take the back off the plug to see all the wires
slide the purple locking plastic to the open position in the plugnow use the tool to start removing the pins

so there are some cables that are not needed any more as the new ABS unit has some sensors built in rather than being a separate unit, so tape the cables up separately you have them.
once the old ABS unit was out i discovered a small problem vw have decided to swap the size of the 2 inner holes here

what was m10 is now m12 and vice versa, so luckily brake lines are really cheap from vw so i've ordered a new passenger side brake line from the MK6 which has the correct ends on for the ABS to brake caliper. Ordered from TPS 1K2614723F and also I've got this coming (see pic and eBay link) from the USA (could not find one anywhere in the UK) its an M12 to M10 reducer for brake lines

so got to wait now till early may before i can bleed the system and carry on with the whole install.
OK so eventually all my bits turned up, so i could crack on, so first I changed the passenger side brake line as it now has M10 fittings on both ends rather than M12 ABS end M10 brake end.
Then I put the ABS unit back in the car, I decided to order a new MK6 bracket as well, once in piped it all back up

The blue adapter is the M12 to M10 reducer i had to order from American eBay see link
http://www.ebay.com/itm/190856703804?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D190856703804%26_rdc%3D1So at this point i was ready to bleed the brakes, many procedures on line to bleed your brakes, it was a bit of a pain as i'd only done this once before but I'm quite confident now at doing it.
This now leaves two things, basic settings and coding.
After conversing with Eddie he told me to do
basic settings firstso please follow this from Ross Tech
Then finally when this is done we can enter the coding of the unit.
Once again I needed help from Eddie who came up with a code for me to use and it actually went in to the ABS unit, so a massive thanks to him for the Code and the Part number of the ABS module i needed.
so now the car is back on the road, its drivable and I'll be testing park assist over the weekend.
Right I could now concentrate on wiring the other sensors and the extra switch
I decided
i really like my Engine Spin pattern on my MK5 ashtray so
I didn't want to buy the MK6 ashtray with the extra switch position in
I hardly use the tyre pressure switch but clearly i still want it, so i moved it to somewhere else, this is easily reversible by buying a new rubber for the bottom of the ashtray.

Now slight difference in location of the control module in the MK6 to the 5, my unit is behind the driver side trim in the boot MK6 is above the BCM at the front of the car, so i needed to extend the switch and front sensor wires with a bit of soldering to reach the back, quite easily done.
had some teething problems yesterday
1st, steering assist (module 44) was having problems communicating with the park assist (module 10), the can bus wires for module 10 were quite long as i had previously tapped into the Xenon range controller, this length of run was to long, worked OK for OPS but not park assist.
i shortened these to run from the steering wheel control unit (module 16) and it worked a whole lot better
2nd was i got the 2 sensors on the front bumper wired the wrong way round, due to the car systems wiring loom being for a LHD car and i assumed the placement of these which was wrong, swapped the wires over and all was ok
P.S anyone reading this who may need a code for there car please contact Eddie-NL who has the program to assist in building it up, he is quite willing to help