Today I'm very unhappy with TyreSure!

A couple of weeks ago one of the tyre sensors stopped working. Keith at Revolution, who supplied it, was as helpful as ever and organised a replacement sensor. But, the replacement appears to be faulty!! This is deduced following over an hour on the phone with TyreSure's UK agent testing and trying to sort out the problem. Apparently I'm not the first to have a faulty sensor and the agent's response (not Revolution's) is merely to say that they buy them in large batches and I should return the faulty one before replacement or buy another one.
Feckin' middle men! They only care about their dollar!

So I now have to go the extra inconvenience and expense of a tyre fitter swopping to sensor #3 when I receive it. I miss not having the TyreSure and am not a happy bunny. I can't run it with the fault because of a constant alarm beep.