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Author Topic: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI  (Read 18359 times)

Offline Janner_Sy

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Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« on: November 14, 2009, 11:20:33 pm »
Why did I Decide to change Remap
I've had bluefin now for just under two years, originally bought as i was based over in germany and it was the easiest way for me to map the car.
Ive used it from stage 1, stage 2 and then stage 2+, I loved stage 1, but ever since installing stage 2 onwards i have not been 100% on its efficiency. Ive always had my doubts that it was performing at its best. Plus at the time there had been quite a few instances of people having issues with bluefin stage 2.
This led to a paranoia(sort of) about it running crap, which was confirmed when i did a bit of testing against an eqivalent spec REVO'd car. which absolutley annihalated me. This led me to install stage 2+ and the HPFP. now if you read up on that for any remap, you here about these enormous increases in the midrange and massive performance enhancment.
what increases did i feel. Well it was a definate improvment over stage 2, and it sorted out the huge drop in power i had in stage 2 guise, but i wasnt bowled over about it, and in a way i felt a bit let down after all the promising stuff i'd read about stage 2+ maps.

Also bluefin is not setup for your car as other maps are, its just a generic map, so if you have any additional mods such as a TBE instead of just DP, or different types of air intake etc, then it wont make the maximum benefit of the mods.
The remaps id considered
I consider bluefin to be a jack of all trades, master of none TBH, so i wanted to go with a Vag specific tuner. This left REVO and APR. Now trying to find info or maps on APR stage 2+ K03 TFSI cars is not easy, unless you trawl the american forums who have these over exagerated pereformance figures.
So i decided on REVO, until I started reading up and speaking to ben from shark performance(AKA shark_90)
He was cheaper than REVO by quite a margin, but more importantly it would be set up on the road in real world driving, whilst I was there so i could get it set up just as i wanted. Then Ben had his car put on the rollers @JKM and pulled out some extremely competent figures there very similar to what the REVO stage 2 cars were achieving.
As you can see from his graph here it holds on to the power very very well managing to plateau above 250hp from 5000-7000RPM, Now i liked the figures there and decided I was willing to be the guinea pig for stage 3 code.
So carrying on from above. I went had it done today:thumbup:
The Procedure
Basically i turned up with the bluefin installed, ben then took it outwith me riding shotgun:eek: along with the laptop to do logs on the bluefin to see how it was running.
from the passenger seat i seemed to notice more and even more so when ben pointed it out, was that the bluefin was very strong in first and second, but then seemed to become erratic and stutter when pressing on. usually around the 4.5k and 5.5k rpm range. he descibed as very strange. and not a very smooth delivery. We then did all the logs on the car, and heading back home.
we then took bens car out whilst we were waiting, and it undoubtably was better setup, extremely easy and progressive to drive.
To put it into  perspective if AMDs dyno figures can be trusted the bluefin stage 2+ was putting out 277bhp 305IBft, and bens only 260bhp 295Ibft. yet bens was much much better(especially when it is one stage below and has no uprated HPFP:eek:)
we then uploaded the new map on the car, went for a drive to let it adapt, before we took logs, and as i said earlier
It was massively improved, And that was just the first edit of the map. we did some more logs, discussed what our thoughts were and what we would like changed, adjusted the map, and repeated this process over the course of the afternoon.
To Summarise
bens car was alot better than mine in bluefin mode, but my car now feels alot more powerful than bens in the midrange and holds on to it very well.
The delivery of it is absolutely fantastic. It feels so smooth and linear in comparsion to before. It also pulls like an absolute train. Its feels non stop.
This is the feeling i was expecting to get when i went from bluefin stage 2 to stage 2+.
So to get this feeling when going from a bluefin stage 2+ map to bens stage 2+(stage 3) was a shock. It goes to show how rubbish the previous map was and how well shark perfomances map is.  
Im absolutely over the moon with the results, and now love the car again.
What figures is it putting out
TBH we dont know for sure im off to a RR day on the 28th. But im not bothered about it to be honest, i just love the way it drives. I believe it will get some commendable results, but this is all about the delivery.
Whats next
Next in line now is an intercooler and CAT back exhaust which is exciting cos this car is an absolute weapon now.
then next year after my diff and brakes are all shiny and fitted ill be back with ben to have water methanol injection fitted and a map to reap the benefits will be going on.

dyno graph at post #17
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 09:44:44 am by vRSy »

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2009, 11:34:50 pm »
Can I presume these 'problems' you speak of regarding the Stage2 Bluefin map is Skoda specific?

I've ran this code for over 12 months now and not only have I been happy with it but I've never had an issue when coming up against other Software providers on RR days?  :confused:

Anyway, glad your pleased with your new map!  :happy2:

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2009, 11:40:27 pm »
As far as im aware it is k03 have a look in here

plus guy on briskoda, and have read sma ething on before also.

They wre all k03 not k04 though. what is yours and what stage and power have you managed. (maybe we were unlucky :sad1:, lol)

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2009, 11:44:26 pm »
Ah I see, I'm K04 and run between 320 - 340bhp.

I'll be going Stage3 next week so will report my findings!  :happy2:

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2009, 11:46:55 pm »
Ah I see, I'm K04 and run between 320 - 340bhp.

I'll be going Stage3 next week so will report my findings!  :happy2:

yeah as said above for some reason its a k03 thing. new about the possible issues before upgrading to stage 2 and 2+ but since it was free, it would've been rude not to. but this map now is in another league

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2009, 09:19:05 am »
Sounds great and definately worth making the switch.  The sh!t the bed part made me laugh!

Looking forward to seeing the logs, sounds like Ben is a top bloke.

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2009, 12:51:08 pm »

I'll be going Stage3 next week so will report my findings!  :happy2:

What turbo will you be using?
Without traction power is nothing!

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2009, 05:54:33 pm »

Bluefin call stage 3 the hpfp map like revo stage 2+

I too made the change from Bluefin stage 3 to revo 2+, I even went up to Bluefin HQ to be mapped I think I was one of the first to have their ed30 stage 3 map but was not happy with the results

Switch to Revo was a revelation and totally transformed the car so pleased to hear your chap has done a similar job for you  :happy2:

Be interested to see if they have improved things greenouse when you get yours done

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2009, 08:42:15 pm »
We'll find out tomorrow James!  :party:

TBH Bluefin has always complimented my car really well so I'd be surprised if going Stage3 changes anything. If I'm not happy with it I'll go back to SC until I am!  :happy2:

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2009, 11:06:47 pm »

I don't know anything about Shark Performance remaps but I've known Ben a while and trust him. It'll be interesting to see what the plot curves are like rather than just the numbers.


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Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2009, 11:16:29 pm »

I don't know anything about Shark Performance remaps but I've known Ben a while and trust him. It'll be interesting to see what the plot curves are like rather than just the numbers.


me too, as i said in the first post, it feels so smooth and linear in comparison to before where it felt as if all the boost came in at once then just went

Offline john_o

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2009, 08:25:36 am »
good too see you trying a different route  :happy2: and being open about it here , thanks
let us know how it goes.
One thing I would like to hear Bens comments on  is the graph shapes....
the JKM graph you show has a 'hollowed' out 2700 - 3900 rpm torque bit (opposite to most remaps)
I can see advantages to this delivery but its unusual

see RR's stg2 for the 'normal' hump profile for torque (and much neater than even APR  :wink:)

just a query not a criticism  :happy2:
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Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2009, 08:52:01 am »
we discussed that  on briskoda when it was first posted.

speaking to ben he has since re-adjusted that map to get rid of it, but supposably JKM had commented that it might have been a tad bit of wheel slip involved.

it is interesting comparing the two maps though, I see RRs peak comes in 1000rpm earlier. im going to print them off and have a good comparison of the two i think.

I hopefully wont get that flat torque spot, it certainly doesnt feel that way, but I can always get it re-adjusted to cure it anyways

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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2009, 09:13:24 am »
thanks , get it done and on JKM's rollers   :happy2:
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Re: Shark Performance Stage 3 remap K03 TFSI
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2009, 09:54:42 am »

it is interesting comparing the two maps though, I see RRs peak comes in 1000rpm earlier. im going to print them off and have a good comparison of the two i think.

.... :scared:  :wink:

What I've found about my plots at JKM is that no matter what the time of year or conditions of the day, my plot curves are very similar and consistent. The numbers aren't especially high but she drives beautifully and I never find that I'm running out of power when I need it in real-world road driving. Sure, she's not as fast as a remapped Ed30 but there are always faster cars.

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