Hi everyone, I'm Rog 
I've had a few VAG group cars now and love them.(A3 TFSIQ, S4 B6, Octavia II VRS, Corrado, Audi 80 Cab) I've turned around some unloved cars too. Just with some time and effort, some detailing knowledge and minimal amount of money.
This was my previous car (project) and 24hrs after selling the A3 3.2 VR6, which went from this:
DSCF8841 by
rogfree43, on Flickr
To this

DSCN1037 by
rogfree43, on Flickr
I've got myself another performance icon. This time it's a car I have always wanted and admired, the Mk5 Golf Gti.
This is a car that is great mechanically, but lacking a little in the looks dept. It has Full VWSH and has some nice specs, auto lights and auto dimming rear view mirror, being some. The overall condition is good, it just needs sharpening up.
It needs some love and attention to take the car back in time and restore it's condition. And I Iove the challenge of turning these neglected cars around.
I will show the progress of the build throughout and upload many, many, many pics as I go.
My plans are to:
Replace the DV, cam follower. DoneClean up and detail the interior and exterior. DoneRemove any dents.
Replace the tired interior handles and update the switches. DoneReplace damaged radio HU DoneFit 18" Monzas DoneFix coolant leak DoneRefurb the brakes and calipers
Replace creaking top mountsDoneReplace Tyres
Retrofit any upgrades as and when.
Upgrades so far...
Centre Armrest with iPod dock doneEuro cup holder and bottle opener doneUpdated deep red hazard switch doneEd30 interior Mats doneEd30 Rear Valance done(Now standard)
Front Ed30 bumper/splitterDone(Now standard)
Tell us what you think, all comments and tips are welcome :)
The day I picked her up! A few before pics to show what I'm up against

DSCN1149 by
rogfree43, on Flickr
DSCN1150 by
rogfree43, on Flickr
DSCN1151 by
rogfree43, on Flickr
DSCN1152 by
rogfree43, on Flickr
DSCN1154 by
rogfree43, on Flickr
DSCN1155 by
rogfree43, on Flickr