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Author Topic: Bert's GT Sport TSI 140 - Stage 1 Revo :)  (Read 52137 times)

Offline rex

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2015, 07:20:05 pm »
I am very interested in seeing all the photos :).
If you have the time and energy to create a DIY topic, I think that would benefit the whole forum!
Cheers and keep the mods coming  :drinking:!

Offline bluebert92

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2015, 10:52:53 pm »
A rough guide of how to fit a MK7 Gear knob into your MK5 Golf!

Step one should be cover your entire front of your car with a dust sheet, blanket or whatever to protect your pride and joy from the madness that is to follow

For starters DO NOT purchase one of these from the more popular places such as Bold sport or TPS (I don't have trade discount so maybe that helps) I went onto German eBay and bought it in euros with shipping and it worked out around £100 cheaper then Boldsport.

so this may help you:

^Don't expect the sellers to speak English however, I used google translate to get me through it!

#1. Here is the beast unboxed for the first time, I would wrap the end up now (please no jokes) as to avoid the the golf ball shape and nice aluminium getting scratched or damaged!

#2. Here is the easiest way I found of popping up the plastic fascia that the gear gaitor sits into
(Picture to come)

#3. Once the plastic fascia is removed then simply pull the gaitor and surround above the actually gear knob like so...

#4. Next there is a small metal ring(Not sure what its called) which you need to prize off, the method for doing this which I used was a size 6 terminal screwdriver and I put it in the ring and wiggled it left and right until the ring releases the pressure and moves up towards the gear knob itself, (Basically it holds it in place by pushing down to clamp it in) Once the ring has released pressure you need to physically pull the gear knob fixtures off of the shaft in an upward motion - mine took a considerable amount of force to remove it.

^i took this picture on my girlfriends brothers vw lupo as I fitted my old mk5 knob into his lupo so I thought I'd take this picture as the clips are the same on them all!

#5. You should then be left with this, and this means you can now leave your car for the majority of the job :) Cue the kettle.

#6. Next you need to remove the base from the gaiter which is done by pressing the x8 or so clips in, finger pressure I found was enough for this.

#7. once removed, keep safe as you will be needing it again later on.

#8. Now for the fun bit, you will need a set of tools, I used a Christmas cracker style screwdriver with a tiny flat head insert on it, and a staple remover (alternative a needle nose set of pliers would work)

#9. An inside shot of the staples of the MK5 gaiter base, showing the bent over staples which will need straightening to remove

10#. Exterior shot of the staples of the MK5 gaiter base. If I remember rightly there is about 420 million staples in the MK5 base.

11#. Just showing the fiddly method of removing the staples, once this is done, prize them slightly away from the exterior also and then use the staple remover and they should come out fairly easy but with a fair amount of force also!

12#. Once all the staples have been removed and the gaiter is free from the base I marked the side which faces the dashboard on the base as I didn't want to mount the gear stick backwards after all this effort, you may be more confident then myself but I found this worked for me.

13#.  Now the MK5 gaiter base is free from its leathery prison, Keep it somewhere safe and in my case let the tippex dry and move onto removing the MK7 gaiter from its base - using exactly the same method shown above - This one is a lot easier as their is less staples and they are larger. Don't stab your self with either the screw driver or the staples though, that would be stupid.

14#. Once all the staples are removed and you are ready to remove the leather from the base make sure you unhook these, are they are different from the MK5 and you wouldn't want to tear it after all that work! There is 4, 1 in each corner.

15#. The re-fitting of the MK7 leather gaiter to the MK5 base is without a doubt the most frustrating part of this mod, and my staple gun was shockingly bad at penetrating the MK5 base's thick plastic - So after many swear words a few staples later and 3 coffee breaks I gave up... I resorted to the quite frankly amazing "Gorilla Glue" It's an extremely effective glue and it worked a miracle for me today.

16#. Make sure you trim your gaiter to size as its slightly oversize in shape as it obviously isn't designed for the MK5 Base, I used the slit method to get it hug the corners well. Once your happy with the fitment, proceed to Fix your leather to the base - Fix being staples or Glue in this case - Gorilla glue was left for 10 minutes and was rock solid so I persisted with this. (Bare in mind I tried the glue on the MK7 base with the MK5 gaiter just to try if it was a good enough fixing and I was very impressed)

* I will pause now to say the cutting of the shaft is possibly the easiest bit of this mod, and I wouldn't feel to much anxiety about doing it - Providing you have the correct tools and have covered your car well with protection you really can't get this too wrong. *

17#. I looked online at how much people usually cut off as I was nervous about getting it wrong, however the generally answer was between 1-2 inches, which is vague which led me to believe its not too critical, and it isn't.
You can gauge how much you need to get off and even mark it but turning the newly fitted MK7 gear knob and base inside out and physically fitting it onto the shaft and you can see its a good inch or 2 too high, easy!

18#. Note on picture 17 you will see I had already cut it before cutting it at the correct measurement, this was a panic cut by myself and my first cut wasn't anywhere near as much as it needed to be (Better not enough then too much!) where the blade sits in this picture you can roughly gauge how much I needed to take off.

19#. By this stage you have gone past the point of no return, and will now need to grind/ file the Left hand side of the shaft to make it a flat angle, so the gear stick will not twist or have any play when it is fitted. I used an abrasive disc in a drill at low speed to wear it down then finished it off with a flat iron file.

20#. Now you can keep grinding or filing as you wish and try the new MK7 knob every couple of minutes to gauge how much you need to take off, the flatter it gets you will notice less play and twisting in the knob.

^I may have grinded some more off after this picture to get it fit perfectly but I can't quite remember!

21#. I personally re-used the old metal ring from the MK5 (See #4.) on the new knob as I found it was a much tighter fit and that suited me more, I understand both will work fine and its probably a preference thing more then anything else.

22#. The finished product after using the same steps you used to remove the old knob and base, do it in reverse and you will end up with something like...

^I RE-fitted slightly after as I wasn't totally happy with the leather fitment, which is now fixed.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2015, 01:09:27 pm by bluebert92 »

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated with MK7 Gear knob rough guide!
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2015, 05:53:44 pm »
Great job. Makes a huge difference  :congrats:
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Offline v4rley

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated with MK7 Gear knob rough guide!
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2015, 07:51:16 pm »
Cheers Rob, pleased your happy and had a safe return home! The Mk7 knob looks the biz, nice one for the write up to help fellow members  :drinking:

Offline doylebros

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated with MK7 Gear knob rough guide!
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2015, 08:26:13 pm »
Well done on the write up I'm sure there'll be a few followers with that detailed guide
The clips I use are

I find this type of clip has many uses, gear knobs being one - check the size that suits your shaft.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2015, 08:30:24 pm by doylebros »

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated with MK7 Gear knob rough guide!
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2015, 12:59:03 pm »
@v4rley over the moon with the LEDs at the back and the screen! Reversing at night no longer requires me to use my rear fog as well!

@prp74 cheers mate! Focusing on all the little aesthetics before I start the engine side

@doylebros ah that clip is a fair shout, I thought possibly a small jubilee clip may also do a similar job- albeit a little more of a ghetto fix rather then a proper clip!

In other news I have had my winter mats delivered and I fitted them last night :)

I actually quite like the look of them.

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated with MK7 Gear knob rough guide!
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2015, 08:32:33 pm »
Came home to find this beauty, after being told by Hermes they had lost it as it was due to be delivered well over 10 days ago! Was a lovely surprise! :driver:

I had to swap the GTI and GT badges over :) but other then that took about 5 minutes to do the swap and I just took it for a spirited drive and I love the flat bottom feel!

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated MK7 Gearknob, Flatbottom steering wheel.
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2015, 06:24:51 am »
I'm wondering if anyone can help me with this. I don't have the dual function climatronic controls in my golf, just the standard AC and heated seats which I believe is a standard in the MK5.
Essentially i'm inquiring into fitting the MK6 panel into my golf as it looks 110% better then mine - Is it possible?
Cosmetically the only difference I can see is that the heated seats only have 3 settings, but i'm not sure if the new ones works electronically or with some voodoo magic compared to my original one

« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 06:26:52 am by bluebert92 »

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated MK7 Gearknob, Flatbottom steering wheel.
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2015, 10:45:25 am »
If you search the forum you can find that it is possible, but you need to upgrade all your AC unit, so if you really want to do it, you're better off upgrading to a dual zone climatronic. :wink:

Your dash and most of the interior of your Golf would need to be taken off to replace the AC unit. Even the wipers engine needs to come off.

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated MK7 Gearknob, Flatbottom steering wheel.
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2015, 09:05:53 pm »
Love the gear stick swap. I'll be using that guide, so nice one!

On your first post you mentioned a glovebox mdi mod. What's that?

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated MK7 Gearknob, Flatbottom steering wheel.
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2015, 09:13:20 pm »
If you search the forum you can find that it is possible, but you need to upgrade all your AC unit, so if you really want to do it, you're better off upgrading to a dual zone climatronic. :wink:

Your dash and most of the interior of your Golf would need to be taken off to replace the AC unit. Even the wipers engine needs to come off.

Ah :/ was kind of hoping that would of been an inexpensive mod really! I've spent a few quid recently on this car and I was hoping for a cheaper option! I have new alloys coming this weekend though so that should satisfy the demon for a little longer :rolleye:

@LFCJosh no worries pal, if you need any advice just comment on here and I can try my best if you attempt the mk7 gear stick, as for the MDI glove box it's basically an iPod lead that connects to your head unit, which functions through the "cd changer" with your first 5 playlists being cd 1-5 and the 6th being whatever album/playlist you are listening to when you plug your iPod in :) -

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated MK7 Gearknob, Flatbottom steering wheel.
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2015, 09:21:21 pm »
Ah right ok. I really wanna sort an aux input but I'd mostly use the iPod for podcasts, so dunno if that would work. What do you think?

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated MK7 Gearknob, Flatbottom steering wheel.
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2015, 09:23:43 pm »
I think there is aux inputs but it's not something I've looked into however! I guess if you made a playlist of pod casts that would work fine? I can try tomorrow evening if you like - I've left my iPod in my van so won't be able to try tonight  :scared:

Offline LondonGT

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Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated MK7 Gearknob, Flatbottom steering wheel.
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2015, 10:34:08 pm »
The cheaper option for the heater dials is some replacement ones off eBay. I did this, they are fully round with aluminium look rings so work better with the stereo.

They aren't hard to swap over either and reversible if you don't like them.

I can't copy the link but search for 'mk5 heater knob' - they look good and much clearer at night I find. I have the RNS510 now.

I found a pic, by the way I have the same car

« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 10:42:37 pm by LondonGT »

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Re: Bert's GT Sport 140 - Updated MK7 Gearknob, Flatbottom steering wheel.
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2015, 07:36:06 pm »
Ah those new controls look very smart indeed! thats something I will get done asap!, although looking for cheaper mods it appears as if I have bought a new VCDS ross tech cable, and potentially have some ED30 lights and possibly valance coming soon (fingers crossed). So will defo need to relax my wallet soon!