Recently I have developed an odd slight misfire on idle and low range revs lumpiness. I'm aware of various issues with this engine which I believe to be Down to overfueling and the injectors.
However I am trying to find out why and what is causing this issue? I have got VCDS and have had a bit of look around and I have zero fault codes what so ever...
I set up the VCDS to look for misfires and put onscreen a misfire counter on each cylinder and it was reading 0 constantly...
I have also gone a bit further In the sense of looking at;
injector timing: at idle 0.51ms and at 3000 rpm 0.77ms and again at about 4000rpm 2.04ms
Fuel rail pressure: at idle 50.00mbar and at 3000 rpm being 85.00mbar
Boost pressure (N75): at idle 5% and at 3000 rpm 5%.
Okay so a development has occurred tonight, I've changed my spark plugs to NGK BKR7EIX's as recommended by REVO, Also put some new coil packs in as its a pain on my engine so I thought whilst I was there... In doing all of this I spotted a broken pipe? or at least a seal for a pipe which I'm hoping explains my issues! If anyone could tell me what this mystery pipe does It would be a great help!!!
So this is what I noticed immediately that the plastic retaining clip appears to have broken off which I thought odd.

As suspected this pipe literally moves on and off with the slightest touch. God knows whats its been doing while I've been driving around!, this has been fixed with a little bit of oil and a stainless steel ziptie to hold the pipe in place and its holding in just fine now :)

Also the spark plugs I've replaced had seen better days but not the worst I've ever seen

new spark plugs in :)

So I took it for a drive earlier and the misfire has disappeared and its running really smooth now, smoothest its ran since I have owned the car, not sure whether it was the spark plugs or this pipe that was loose but its made such a difference! no more lumpiness.
Again thanks for your help guys!