Had several faults show up on VCDS in relation to my lumpy idle...
A turbo bypas control valve circuit which was open circuit?
And a intermitten misfire on cylinder 4.
It prettt much prompted me into buying a GFB DV+ as it's the cheapest fix for a potential issue.
So i got to replacing my faulty DV for the GFB DV+.

Once I had removed the old
The old one didn't particularly look in bad condition

Once I got the new one assembled and fitted back together

And fitted :)

I have to say I was well impressed with the GFB DV , came with an idiots proof guide to fitting which was great as I'm an idiot.
Never the less, so far so good it's been on for about 120 miles and it's cleared all my faults I had on the VCDS scans and my car is running smooth again at low revs :)
Next up to change the fuel filter as I picked up a Bosch one on the cheap.
Poor picture I know but I debaged the rear the other evening and I'm much happier with how it looks!