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Author Topic: Car Amps & Headunit  (Read 495 times)

Offline Jayz

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Car Amps & Headunit
« on: August 14, 2015, 09:18:30 pm »
Hello fellow VW family,
I am new to the scene here, I know i'll love this forum, as I've seen quite a few nice modding guide already. I've just got a few thing's i'm trying to get my mind around.

Firstly I'm buying a stock 1.9/2.0 golf soon and I'm the sort of person who loves my music yet I don't really have any knowledge of car audio i've installed a few speakers and subs for my mates but that's all easy stuff basically what I want to do know if to order everything to have an amazing setup so buy the time I get the car I'll be up and ready. So i've got a few questions for you guys

On the regular 1.9 or 2.0 TDI models is it a straight swap to change the head unit, i've head something about a cam that I need to install is that really necessary?

Is there any really good Android 2 dim head units around?  All I seem to be able to find is there bloody cheap Chinese knock offs  :grin:

I've got a few more questions, but I don't want to make my first post a really long one.

Hope you guy's can help  :notworthy:

Offline Andy

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Re: Car Amps & Headunit
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2015, 12:09:00 am »
The header unit are a straight swap over..Alpine or kenwood do good units