No, I took it off for the horrible noise reason and I'm looking to replace in the future with something better sounding. I just want a bit of subtle induction noise with a nice bit of chatter when you let off the gas. The ram air did neither.
That's exactly what I'm looking for too. Let me know if you find the right kit

Interesting stuff. I fitted mine a couple of weeks back and but haven't really noticed anything bar the noise.
I'm driving to Amsterdam this weekend so will keep an eye on it and report back.
Yes please. Keep us posted. I'm sorta suspicious that mine has decided to run super rich for some reason unrelated to the RamAir. Will be very interested to see how yours performs on a long drive

must say noise dosent bother me. i've heard it be compared to an out of tune flute before. i kinda like the whooshy harmonics
Yeah; although the sound is not what I was expecting (and I probably would change it if a "better" sounding kit was available) I still like the bit of compressor surge on lift off and the way it sounds absolutely bat sh*t crazy in conjunction with the decat from 4,500 to 7,000 rpm

I'm definitely gonna leave it in on until something better comes along

I've hear the Volkswagen Racing set up is almost like stock sound wise, but good bit of grunt when you're on WOT. Could be worth a shot. Bit hard to justify the price though