It's been a little while since I've updated this thread but I'm still spending plenty of time reading everyone else’s!
The number plate bracket I bought to mount a square plate aligned to the right started to piss me off. However tight I had it, it would eventually swivel around and to be honest I didn’t like the way it was protruding out from the car, and then I caught it while parking, which was the final straw!
So I went on the hunt for a US spec number plate plinth and finally found someone selling one, more so they found me though an advert I posted on the MK5 Golf owners group on Facebook. I did consider ordering one from ECS in the US but including postage it came to something like £75!
Once it arrived I decided on some new number plates as I’ve come to the conclusion I just don’t like pressed plates, not sure what it is about them. I bought some raised gel plates from Fullhouse Customs (, and they are without doubt the best quality plates I’ve come across and I really like the look of them.

I wanted something to put a bottle of oil in to keep in the car and came accross this nice VW Castrol promotional pouch with 1l of oil which I won for £10 on ebay which I though was quite a deal, it now lives in my boot as it has velcro on the back to stick to the carpet.

I've bought a cam follower as with my next service which I will do soon I will change this as well.

Finally, this turned up in the post today from Demon Tweeks

hope to fit this weekend.

Next i'd quite like to get some new matching tyres and have a wheel refurb, my birthday is coming up so I might try to persuade the gf