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Author Topic: Rusted Arches on MK5 Gti  (Read 704 times)

Offline MKV_Sean

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Rusted Arches on MK5 Gti
« on: August 20, 2015, 11:47:09 am »
I noticed there are some pretty bad rust bubbles on my golf, since lowering the car and running 19's they have since chipped the paint and exposed the bare metal on the wing. It's gotten to a pretty bad state where I really need to treat this ASAP!

Can anyone shed some light on how to DIY this? I've been scouring this site and Google but not coming up with much useful info.

Any help would be much appreciated!


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Re: Rusted Arches on MK5 Gti
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2015, 11:59:10 am »
You can't really DIY it unless you're a painter, it needs to be sanded to remove all the rust,  possibly fillered depending how much they have to sand and then painted and Lacquered. The longer you leave it the more chance they can't be saved and you have to buy new wings.