The car is now immobilized on my drive! Warning lights + Bad noises + nothing loose anymore = Garage costs!

Got to get up at silly o clock now to get public transport to work!

Anyway it has got me thinking (again) about maybe selling it on. I am thinking maybe to get the original suspension refitted to the car and get it put back to standard.
Now I can get insurance on the golf tsi 140 (not that cheap) but I am willing to pay it for a better car. It is the older one (same front as mine) not the black gt grill.
Does anyone know if there are any major differences between the old and new? Or was it just a face lift and the same engines? Also what could I expect to get performace wise from the 140 ie remap, intake, exhaust?
Here is a video that shocked me a little. Remap vs non remap. Quite a difference!: