I cannot decide what to do for the best!!!!

Option 1 - Keep current car and continue doing what I was doing and plow more money in even though I am not 100% happy with the base car.
Option 2 - Strip car and sell bits, p/x the car and buy a mk6. Modify to look something similar to this and sell when im 21.

Option 3 - Strip car and sell bits, p/x the car and buy a rocco. (waiting for insurance group TBA) Modify to look something similar to this and sell when im 21.

Option 4 - Wait a few months leaving my car as it is then strip, p/x the car against a used mk6 or rocco saving a couple of k but not having the choice of options.
It would be nice to own a brand new car knowing that no one has ever driven it before me and to spec all the options I want on it.
What would you do.....
Major decisions!