Hey all, forum newbie in search for some tech advice please.

Just bought a 2005 dsg gti a couple of weeks ago, in trade in for my prev mk4 gti (just a little bit faster!!

) and want to make some mods to my stock mfd2.
Basically, I am looking to add few things to my MFD2 to get maximum function out of it.
So top of the list is a Miracast box, to allow video and audio streaming via the aux funciton on the head unit, so I can stream my iPhone by Airplay to the head unit, to allow video playback, audio streaming etc. I have satnav on the head unit, but this no way near as good as the tomtom app on my phone, which I would stream to the head unit and keep the phone out the way.
I also want to answer and make calls by bluetooth. I can see there is a TEL funtion on the head unit and I have a MFSW, which also displays phone connectivity, but when I press the TEL button, I simply get "no active call". So would like to get that working if I can.
I would also like to add a reversing camera to the unit that will change the screen to the camera view, when reverse is selected on my dsg, although this is not essential.
Lastly, I am installing front and rear dvi's to the car, to keep an eye on those pesky smash for cash scammers. Its a K1S kit so has a separate screen with the kit, but I would like all these extras to be hard wired, so I dont have to use the cig lighter for anything, other than mabe charging phone/ipad or whatever.
The trouble with all of this is I haven't yet taken the head unit out to see what the ports are and would like to know before I start pulling my dash apart if its even possible?
I have the 6 disk changer in the arm rest too, so would like to keep this if poss.
The other option is to get an RCD510 as I don't need the satnav function and this appears to be a newer head unit? seen some floating around from £90 to £400, so a bit lost on what to look for spec wise really. Also prefer OEM to chinese knockoff...
Just need to know if its worth taking this MFD2 out and replacing with the RCD510, or if the MFD2 is up to the job, what cables will I need? I have tried to find AV in cables for MFD2 but cant seem to find anything on this?!
Any help much appreciated