Had the same issue. Had mine recently mapped and the STOP🛑 Oil Pressure flags up on dash advising - “engine off” & “check Manual”
Been told it could be oil pump, sensor, oil switch, fuse. Could be a simple fix like An electrical fault?
The car couldn’t take the pressure with the additional boost I think and somethings got to give right?
I stopped and checked oil. Was on the ‘Max’ Mark. Switched off engine for ten mins and nothing and put foot down and still flagged up again

Being 60 miles from home.. I did not want to chance it so stopped again. The car starts up again and The warning sign the is cleared. Drive home 60mph thereabouts and no flag so far! Has to be the pressure configurations going doolally! Going to check back in morning see if the warning flags up again. And check the least expensive probable cause first, then the major issues that could’ve caused it.
The joys of remapping hey

I also notice a lot of electrical issues when remapped car, bulbs going and xenon lights flickering and one light brighter than other.. so could well be an electrical fault with the oil pressure like my Mechanic stated on phone i.e. sensor, bulb.
Praise and Thanks to God that I was able to drive home.
BTW No noises can be heard knocking in engine.
Don’t blame the map pleeease..