My arches arrived last week but short days and bad weather mean I have only been able to start it today. Although i have to keep stopping because it keeps raining then giving me about 20 minutes of dry time.
So, test fit with the masking tape (also marking holes for drilling.

I have had similar arches before for a different car (and plastic) but i usually rivet them on, however ecs handily provide some rivnuts (they are supposed to provide a tool for them but it wasnt in there so bought one) I gotta say they are a great way of riveting stuff on as it allows you to take it off without drilling out and re riviting.
The rivnut itself

And then the bolt. Genius.

So 3 rivnuts are in and its currently raining so got to wait for that to pass before fitting the rest of the arches (easy bit) then its time to start cutting.

Shes gonna be wide