All doors have to open on a mot including the boot..If the rear seat and belts are in it will fall but not sure if you remove them it will pass.
If you tidy the arches up and make the doors open it will be good
Thanks. I have spoken to a few people about it and this is the general consensus. Although i could run it without the rear seats I have convinced my self to stop being such a lazy bugger and just do a proper job. After all I want it to look respectable. At least that way i can get back to ecs tuning and tell them the kit can fit a 5 door. I'm just not very talented at cutting straight lines.
Im not really annoyed it failed but to just take pics and slag it off on facebook is really unprofessional and upsetting.
Marked up and ready for cutting.

No going back now!

Ta daaaa!

Not too bad, not pretty but it doesnt look awful imo

Although u cant see it in this pic i have sanded and laquered the edges to prevent any water ingress.

Time to start tidying up the arch and getting as much clearance as possible! I didnt take a before but somewhere earlier in the thread is something close to what it was like.

Fortunately im an avid health and safety nut. The angle grinder disc just broke off and hit me in the face. By some sheer miracle i was wearing my face mask

Looking much better. Not a perfect curve but its good enough for me.

Trimming down the last few tabs.

New clearance. Just got to seal up all the gaps. I should probably get the inner welded to the outer but when the arch is in place it makes the outer nice and rigid so all is good in my book. Will just have to seal it all up to prevent rust! I have also painted it but no pics of that.

Now the big decisions. I used a bit of the rubber seal (that goes between the carbon fiber extensions and the car) and slipped it onto the edge of the cut extension to try and close the gap and make it look semi professional. I like the look but i will go out and try to buy a more rigid one but you can sort of see the look i'm going after.

Or do i just leave the gap exposed?

Thanks for reading!