Nice looking MK5 with some nice touches, however I'm sure your wife does not like those seats, I have a lovely set of standard leather front seats which I am more than happy swap

Hahahha! Nice try. Although she probably wouldn't notice if the seats were swapped. I don't think she'd notice that the car has now been bluefin'd either if I didn't tell her.
Do you know what, on the track that day as my bro in law lost control the thought that went through my head was "if he stacks it, and it's a write off, how am I going to find another GTi with the same seats!?".
Luckily he didn't stack it, but he'll never live this down now. The whole family has been taking the piss out of him non stop, which has been quite entertaining. "Oh no Jeff is turning right, watch out!!!!"
I'm pleased to report that the car was back on the road by Wednesday, thanks to the speedy work by Volks Autos in Sutton.
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