It seems straight forward reading the how to... but, how do you set tdc on a dsg car? Also is this purely maintenance or is performance effected?
I would imagine TDC is the same on a DSG as it's setting the Cylinders to No.1 Top Dead Centre and nothing to do with the Gearbox. But i have never worked on a DSG engine.
It's a case of stripping off the Cam/Timing belt cover and rocking the car forwards or backwards in gear until the arrow at the side of the Biggest Cog lines up with the Arrow on the Cylinder head.
This has the effect of reducing the Tension Pressure on the Pump Piston so that when you put it back on you don't have to force it closed and risk bending/damaging it.
As i havent ever worked on a DSG engine someone like Stu,Hedge or Jonnyc will probably be able to tell you more.