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Author Topic: Strange Electrics Problems  (Read 779 times)

Offline bbfb10

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Strange Electrics Problems
« on: October 15, 2015, 09:46:55 am »
Hi. Ive some bizarre things happening in my car and was hoping someone could shed some light on potential fixes.

I had a Kenwood DNX521 DAB fitted professionally around 6/7 months ago, for a while everything was fine, then occasionally the unit would stop recognising the ipod whilst it was playing. Also on turning the car on, sometimes the MFD wouldnt display audio options. I assumed that this was all down to loose connections caused by the bumpy roads around here, and whilst annoying, werent a big deal.

Recently, things have been getting worse with the same symptoms and some more which l cant ignore. These are all intermittant faults so l cant pin point why theyre happening.
The stereo doesnt turn off when l remove the key from the ignition.
The car struggles to 'catch' when l go to turn it on.
The folding mirrors take a long time to activate.
The windows dont open/close with one touch on the switch in the car.
Last week, the electrics reset totally. Headunit needed settings re-doing and the MFD showed the time as 0:00 and the trip mileage was at 0 too.

I know l need to get the car scanned etc, but lm hoping for some advice or pointers what to look for when l get this done.

PLEASE help, its doing my head in!


Full VCDS Hex + Can.

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Re: Strange Electrics Problems
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2015, 09:59:40 am »
What I would do is update the Kenwood firmware and be looking at the CAN interface box that came with it so it integrates with the car, they usually have upgradeable software and can go wrong over time
Used to have Edition 30 - number 009 and a GT TDI 140.
Now have an S4 B8 Avant (stage 2)

Offline hlcst

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Re: Strange Electrics Problems
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2015, 10:24:52 am »
Also get your battery health checked (halfrauds usually do free checks)