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Author Topic: kenwood dnx521dab  (Read 1766 times)

Offline shaunbop

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kenwood dnx521dab
« on: November 14, 2015, 06:45:38 pm »
Has anyone had any trouble with the kenwood dnx521dab? Mine has gone totally tits up from a failed software update. The screen is non responsive the satnav starts up when it wants the volume has stopped working, I managed to get the update to work the system worked fine for a few days now its back to doing as it wants. I tried to reset it using the button on the front now the unit will not work at all as I cant even put in my security code. Kenwood don't want to know they just give me a number to ring. I rung the number (fullers) all I can say is they are as rude as kenwood. Does anyone know how to fix the fault or have the same problems?
