I have a stock 2005.5 Mk5 GTI with a non-MFSW and control module 1K0 953 549 AF. The car already has the highline MFD.
Through the forum, I was lucky enough to get an Edition 30 MFSW, and the control module (which I didn't buy) was the BD version.
The local stealership has two module options available: the AL, which has (according to Ross Tech) the same software version as my original module and the one that came with the Edition 30 MFSW (software version 0070); or the BK, a newer version that superseded the BD (software version 0100/0101).
Question: Will the BK work with the MFSW and the 2005.5 car with 0070 software, or should I get the older AL control module version?