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Author Topic: R32 Brakes.  (Read 10646 times)

Offline DaveB@Vagbremtechnic

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Re: R32 Brakes.
« Reply #45 on: December 30, 2009, 09:54:00 pm »
Both pots on the same side, think an R32 setup but with two smaller pistons....

Good pic is this one, its a 1/2 way house between 4 pots and Cast Iron calipers, the discs are actually very lightweight for what they are, they have an alloy centre bell.

Heavy setup though and good for a 2.7 Biturbo RS4 whichwas 370BHP as standard for those who tuned their cars (500BHP) you could buy the motorsport pack which was these drilled discs and audi competition pads which were very poorly disguised Pagid RS19 Yellows.

Without soundling like Clarkson..........some say could stop out all day on these babies until you ran out of petrol

They'd be good for ED30 owners looking for something that fits between the R32 setup and the £1500 kits

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: R32 Brakes.
« Reply #46 on: December 30, 2009, 10:36:00 pm »
are they solid discs  then, and are they cheap to replace. seems like a very good option. whats the going rate for a set of these new, cos if you could get reconditioned or even new 4 pots on a smaller disc for lss i'd proably stump out for ther 4 pots i think

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Re: R32 Brakes.
« Reply #47 on: January 01, 2010, 01:47:38 pm »
I havn't covered too miles with my set up, but i can safely say the are really good and very sharp at low speeds.  :rolleye:
A couple of people have driven my car with them on and have brought the car to a instant stop not meaning to, whilst leaving car parks.  :grin:
And the rolling road op at the last meet commented how good they were. I think with some track pads in they should be amazing.  :jumping:

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: R32 Brakes.
« Reply #48 on: January 01, 2010, 02:08:14 pm »
whats the going rate for these then. excluding the discs they almost look oem.

Did you need spacers, and are track pads readily available for them.

Offline DaveB@Vagbremtechnic

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Re: R32 Brakes.
« Reply #49 on: January 01, 2010, 02:28:33 pm »
The rotors are about £390 with VAT for the pair, which sounds quite expensive but considering they are two piece and 360x32 makes them reasonable value if you are commiting to a setup of this ilk.

Totally fahooked calipers in desperate need of a refurb pop up on ebay for about £150 every now and again, repaiur kits for them are readily available as the caliper is the same on as the Mk4 R32 and the BMW E38 750i. I'd be budgeting for £300 for a fully refurbed set powder coated and resealed, you've got the choice of pads from OEM sources. BMW use Textar for their pads, VW/Audi use Pagid both readily available for about £55.

Regarding track pads you've got Ds2500/DS3000/M1144/M1155 all at around £120 for the ferodo and about £90 for the mintex's. Pagid do this pad in RS29 which only a few years ago was a compound that was winning Le Man pre-carbon...they're about £220 but can be had for as little as £180, they are the endurance version of the RS19 which is commonly known as the pagid yellow. I spoke to Tom about these despite being a little hard they would defo last a good number of track day/ring trips and would therefore spread their cost over two years or so. As mentioned earlier Audi do their competition pad for these calipers but its their P90 compound which is basically RS29 with a little less squeak in the mix. P90 is also used on the Porsche PCCB pads

The problem with them is that you would need to change them at the track.....yellows and roads = epic fail/brown trousers