Got the brakes fitted today. First impressions are very encouraging.

The brakes have totally transformed the way I drive now.
Despite being a lot larger calipers and discs they appear to be lighter. I got to lift the entire kit, and then later the stock kit - the stock kit was considerably heavier despite being minuscule in comparison to the Hi-Spec kit.
I've already done over 150 miles in them. That includes a drive from Dartford to Luton, then on to Birmingham and that was in the wet with it pouring down.
I must admit I was very nervous at first (considering my past experiences) but as I spent more time with the brakes my confidence has grown.
Stopping power is awesome...and yet they are totally usable around and about town. They do look a bit bling but once fitted they look no more outrageous than a set of the VWR or an AP racing kits.
So, when's the next track day? Can't wait to put them through their paces - the Feroda pads just seem to add to the magic!!!

If all is well this should complement my next mods. The THS intercooler has arrived and the Autotech HPFP is due Monday. I may have some more good news in the next fortnight or so

Exciting times for me...