Trade-ins are depressing but the lower price is due to the price that they think they can get at auction.
I let my Pirelli go for £5.5K with £500 off the newer car (Original offer £5K) back in May. 58 plate, 2 owners, Sat Nav + all of the Pirelli extras, 111K miles and very well looked after. The garage said that they didn't quite get that back for it at auction. I thought it was worth at least £8K.
The company that bought it started at a tad under £10K, which gradually dropped and settled at £7990. It's still for sale!
It pained me to let it go for that but I'd still be trying to sell it now! Unfortunately there is still the stigma around a car over 100,000 miles even though on here we all know that the MK5 GTI can sail past double that.
I don't know what your car is worth. You need to decide what the hassle is worth in monetary terms. Good luck. 
so you let your well looked after car with 111k on it go fo £5.5+500 of other car
6K then i would have said its worth 7250 up to 8k why did u not try to sell on here
it would have sold very quick but ha its or was your choice
Being fully honest, there were a couple of issues (no impact on the trade-in price as they didn't ask):
Wheel nut over-tightened by a dealer so needed nut, drive-shaft, hub & bearing. Quoted £900. Could have done with a new clutch as it slipped on occasion (probably done around 70k miles after the Revo stg1 remap). Also rapidly approaching Cam-belt #2 time.
I have too much respect for the people on here to sell it with those issues, so I would have indicated them. Probably over £1500 to put it all right so brings it up to your estimate. The stealer only ever intended to auction it so it was sold as seen as far as I was concerned.
The last I saw, it was up for £7990 only a few weeks ago (started at £9995). I don't know if it sold but 4 months to sell it would have driven me up the wall.
The biggest issue was that I didn't want test pilots and tyre kickers abusing my pride and joy and expecting to drive it without insurance. Once it was handed in, I could get on with the short period of regret while I was falling in love with the Cupra.