Front and rear for £400? Bite his hand off, fronts are usually £300-£350 and rears are £250-£300ish
I thought they were cheap tbh!
And to throw a spanner in the works I've been offered a full 4 pot kit using toureg calipers for 400
Go for the 4 pot from Touareg. 
It uses the Merc ML450 350 mm discs. 
I have done mate, pick them up next week come with discs and pads but might look into some better pads for them :)
also ill ask you this because you seem to know a lot about brakes :D
do the brakets needed change at all if using 55mm or 50mm hubs? I don't think they will but want to check.
also do you think I will need wheel spacers to run this kit behind Pescara wheels?
350mm discs should look sweet :) cant wait