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Exhaust tips

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I've used Autosol but unfortunately the tips have rusted and bubbled.

I think once the standard tips have gone past a certain point they're almost impossible to rescue.

I use Autosol on my Powervalve and it works a treat. Just a case of staying on top of it and not letting the elements take hold.

Just get some A4 exhaust tips off ebay, thats what I did  :happy2: I use Autosol to keep them nice and shiny now.

You have a new system AJP so it'll be okay as long as you keep on top of it where as the previous owners of my golf probably didn't give a hoot about the tips. would like to change them but have to cut the old one off  :doh:


--- Quote from: jayha11 on May 19, 2016, 05:53:59 pm ---Just get some A4 exhaust tips off ebay, thats what I did  :happy2: I use Autosol to keep them nice and shiny now.

--- End quote ---
How did you mount them on mate?.


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