not got a 4x4 myself, but have driven them loads with work, with full off road training as well.
what got me really nterested was my mum bought me an off road extreme experience day, wasnt to chuffed at first thinking i was in to track days more, plus i drive them alot with work, butonce i saw the defender fully raised up with winches, roll bars, diff guards and mud flaps, i was in love. whata laugh, and so technical as well
heres some pics i found on the net for people who have never looked into 4x4 days, with timeattacks and winching etc.
I must admit, i have sh!t myself more times off orading than whati have on track days or the ring.
We had an off driver training day in germany a few years back, where we were given a pretty tough course to complete. the kand rover suppllied had all the roll bars on the outside of the panel work in case it rolled, so we ended up trying to complete the couyrse in the fastest time time attck style. that landrover was fooked after it had been rolled so many times, it was hillarious.
if youve never done an off road day, i reccomend trying an experience day
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this is the sort of thing i want to get into though. just not when it flips @1.40mins
with the ultimate goal of doing something like this in a few years