General > Detailing
GTi DSG Gets Protected for Winter
much prefer the ed30 one!
great detail :)
Oho! I always thought they were the same.
In any case, I would concur with your assessment looking at these new photos...
Great looking detail there Dave, you know your stuff. :happy2:
Not tried Colli myself, tried most other stuff and now a huge Zaino fan. Must get a tub and give it a go though to compare.
Dave KG:
--- Quote from: stealthwolf on December 21, 2008, 12:45:21 pm ---Sweet mother of mercy! That's a detailed car.
I have poorboy's wheel sealant. Can I apply collys on top or is it not worth it?
--- End quote ---
You can do, and it will add to the protection there. The Poorboys is good, so if you dont have Collinite then I wouldn't rush out and buy it, but if you have it, it will add some good extra protection from winter rubbish on the roads.
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