Wow, so little progress :(
So ive been sitting here weighing up my power options. Insurance runs out in a few days which means, take off the road and tinker. The only problem is how do i go for more power. I initially wanted a big power diesel but after tuning a few higher powered vag pd engines i've decided I want a petrol again
So i had a few options. Do i
a:scrap her and get a 2.0tfsi jetta
b:buy a tfsi engine and stuff it in there
c:20valve turbo it
But v3trox why go to the effort of a 20vt surely you want a modern tfsi engine in there? Well you would think so but i just so happen to be stripping one of these

Its the missus old car that she has recently replaced with an ibiza cupra
So i pretty much have a whole donor mkiv to scavenge parts from. I've got all the mechanical side of things sorted. Should just drop straight in, swap cv joints over, 45degree bend coming off the downpipe out the side and she will be ready to run...After I butcher all the wiring :S
Engine free and sitting on the jacks. Some of the loom had to be persuaded to move out.

Engine pretty much out

Ta dah

Took about 4 hours of which a small amount of time was spent being silly.
All i can say is i hope i'm never in an accident cos those air bags are so ****ing loud lol
Then after that it took ages to find someone to actually take the shell away from me. Even offering to pay but not a soul would take it until eventually i got it removed free of charge.

That was a couple weeks ago. Now I only really have weekends free and so far i have been stuck working or the weather is crap. I only managed to get the front off. I Decided to take the whole front off in one piece as i will be using the jettas intercooler, which is a complete front mount compared to the side mount on the mkiv, it seemed like a waste to seperate it all out.

I would be sorting it tomorrow but today the missus car decided to wet itself

So that is the priority so thats another weekend that will be squandered. Although i might get time sunday its meant to be raining all weekend so we will see.